Editing simple MS Word document

1 month ago

Philippine, Philippines Michigan English Academy Remote Work Freelance Full time

Michigan English is located in South Korea. We are creating an English material for students. And you will remotely work on a task at home. We can communicate with you by email/Zoom/SNS Messenger. We have already been working with many teachers based in Philippines since early 2023.

This is output based job. You will work on mostly English contents such as Novel and worksheet. There are two kinds of task like below.

1) Task #1 : We will provide you with MS Word format books and PDF version together. You need to mark / put a page number on each page of MS Word version book referring to PDF version. It is quite simple task but it should be accurate.

2) Task #2 : We are going to provide our sample of worksheet which is well edited. And you will also receive non-edited worksheet. Your job is to arrange non-edited worksheet to the same format as sample worksheet.

** Payment: It may take 15~20mins to complete each task at average. 50PHP will be paid for each book. Thus you could earn 150PHP per hour.

Requirement : You need your own computer and MS Word should be installed.

Payment milestone : Payment will be done monthly. However first payment will be done a week after you start to work.